Now that you have sent your query, synopsis and first chapters to an agent or editor, what do you do next?
The beginning of February, after carefully following individual submission guidelines, I sent out my packages via the internet. I closed the top of my laptop and went about my business doing my chores. An hour or two later I came home, checked my emails and there sat two emails. Both responses were thank you, but no thanks. Okay….that was a blow. A discouraging blow. Now the challenge. Do I drown in my rejections? Do I throw in the towel? These are two of many questions that I’m sure we have all asked ourselves at one time or the other.
I’ll share with you my own remedy of getting over the feel sorry for me, pity bath.

Take a walk. I find that the best way to go for myself is to take a walk. By now everyone must be tired of me talking about doing these long walks. I know it sounds crazy, but that walk, no matter if it’s short or long, is all I need to rejuvenate. So picture me tying my Timberland boots and strolling through the mounds of snow, opening up my mind along with numbing my fingers and toes. But it works. Believe me, it works. After that walk I was not only cold, but recharged ready to continue working on my next project while I wait.
Get dressed. Are you sitting in sweat pants and tee shirt with slippers on? It’s no wonder you can’t get anything down on paper. Fluff your hair, get dressed as if you’re going out. That’s right! Add the accessories, the belt, earrings and necklaces. Take a glance in the mirror, then sit behind your computer and start writing. You’ll be surprised how playing dress up can inspire your muse.

Keep a journal. I bought myself a monthly planner and journal. Every night I write what I did during the day. How many words I wrote or how many pages I revised. And if I did nothing, I write the word nothing in the planner. Then the last thing I do is write a short journal entry. It can be two lines or two pages about nothing or a plot idea. Whatever it is, sometimes it is the only time I write in a day.
Keep Writing. Did you ever fantasize what it would be like to be someone else or wish your life was different? Be that fantasy. Sit behind your computer, do your research and write that story. The best writing exercise is to write.
Following my own advice, I continue to follow my dreams while I do revisions on Mystical Wonders as I await responses on Roses. ♥
I’ll share with you my own remedy of getting over the feel sorry for me, pity bath.

Take a walk. I find that the best way to go for myself is to take a walk. By now everyone must be tired of me talking about doing these long walks. I know it sounds crazy, but that walk, no matter if it’s short or long, is all I need to rejuvenate. So picture me tying my Timberland boots and strolling through the mounds of snow, opening up my mind along with numbing my fingers and toes. But it works. Believe me, it works. After that walk I was not only cold, but recharged ready to continue working on my next project while I wait.
Get dressed. Are you sitting in sweat pants and tee shirt with slippers on? It’s no wonder you can’t get anything down on paper. Fluff your hair, get dressed as if you’re going out. That’s right! Add the accessories, the belt, earrings and necklaces. Take a glance in the mirror, then sit behind your computer and start writing. You’ll be surprised how playing dress up can inspire your muse.

Keep a journal. I bought myself a monthly planner and journal. Every night I write what I did during the day. How many words I wrote or how many pages I revised. And if I did nothing, I write the word nothing in the planner. Then the last thing I do is write a short journal entry. It can be two lines or two pages about nothing or a plot idea. Whatever it is, sometimes it is the only time I write in a day.
Keep Writing. Did you ever fantasize what it would be like to be someone else or wish your life was different? Be that fantasy. Sit behind your computer, do your research and write that story. The best writing exercise is to write.
Following my own advice, I continue to follow my dreams while I do revisions on Mystical Wonders as I await responses on Roses. ♥
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